Welcome to my professional site! I am a research scientist and team lead at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA. A meteorologist by training, I currently work on a broad range of topics including understanding weather and climate impacts on energy systems. I am an advocate for open science, including the use of open-source software and public data repositories. I am currently leading the development of MSD-LIVE, a collaborative data and computational platform for the MultiSector Dynamics community. I also serve on the Scientific Steering Group of the MultiSector Dynamics Community of Practice

This space is a repository for my professional work. I will only link to the posters and talks for which I am the primary author. If you are curious about any other material I would encourage you to contact my collaborators directly.

ResearcherID: F-1833-2016, ORCID: 0000-0001-6218-9361