Using the MSD-LIVE Open Science Platform to Teach New Researchers to Use MSD Models
Casey Burleyson, Zoe Guillen, Matt Jugovic, Carina Lansing, Matt Macduff, Devin McAllester, and Jon Weers
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2024, Washington, D.C.
Using the MSD-LIVE Open Science Platform to Teach New Researchers to Use MSD Models
Casey Burleyson, Zoe Guillen, Matt Jugovic, Carina Lansing, Matt Macduff, Devin McAllester, and Jon Weers
DOE EESM PI Meeting - August 2024, Rockville, MD
Characterizing Heat Wave Impacts on Spatially Coincident Peak Loads and Resulting Transmission Dynamics
Casey Burleyson, Kerem Akdemir, Cameron Bracken, Kendall Mongird, and Jennie Rice
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2023, San Francisco, CA
The MSD-LIVE Data and Computational Platform
Casey Burleyson, Carina Lansing, Zoe Guillen, Matt Macduff, Devin McAllester, and Jon Weers
MultiSector Dynamics Community of Practice Workshop - October 2023, Davis, CA
When Do Different Scenarios of Future Electricity Demand Start to Meaningfully Diverge?
Casey Burleyson, Misha Kulshresta, and Jennie Rice
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2022, Chicago, IL
Opening Up: The Benefits of Adopting Open Science Principles in a Large Multi-Institutional Modeling Project
Casey Burleyson, Chris Vernon, and Jennie Rice
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2020, Virtual
Progress and Possibilities for Data Preservation and Dissemination in the Multisector Dynamics Community
Casey Burleyson, Dave Millard, Chris Vernon, Jon Weers, and Ian Kraucunas
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2018, Washington, D.C.
Data Preservation and Dissemination in a Large Collaborative Multisector Dynamics Project
Casey Burleyson, Ian Kraucunas, Dave Millard, Chris Vernon, and Jon Weers
DOE EESM PI Meeting - November 2018, Potomac, MD
Capturing Weather-Driven Extremes in Building Energy Demand Using a Process-Oriented Aggregated Building Model
Casey Burleyson, Ian Kraucunas, Todd Taylor, Nathalie Voisin, and Yulong Xie
DOE EESM PI Meeting - November 2018, Potomac, MD
Observing Shallow-to-Deep Convective Transitions Using ARM GoAmazon2014/5 and Geostationary Satellite Observations
Casey Burleyson, Samson Hagos, and Zhe Feng
DOE 2018 ARM ASR User Facility - Principle Investigator Meeting - March 2018, Vienna, VA
The Role of Localized Circulations in Driving Spatial Variability in Deep Tropical Convection
Casey Burleyson, Samson Hagos, Bob Houze, Angela Rowe, and Zhe Feng
DOE 2017 ARM ASR User Facility - Principle Investigator Meeting - March 2017, Vienna, VA
The Impact of the Diurnal Cycle of Clouds and Precipitation Over the Maritime Continent on the Propagation of the MJO into the Western Pacific
Casey Burleyson, Samson Hagos, and Zhe Feng
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2016, San Francisco, CA
The Impact of Clouds and Precipitation Over the Maritime Continent on the Propagation of the MJO into the Western Pacific
Casey Burleyson, Samson Hagos, and Zhe Feng
DOE 2016 ARM ASR User Facility - Principle Investigator Meeting - May 2016, Vienna, VA
Quantifying Diurnal Cloud Radiative Effects in the Tropical Western Pacific
Casey Burleyson, Charles Long, and Jennifer Comstock
2015 Gordon Radiation and Climate Research Conference - July 2015, Lewiston, ME
Questioning the Importance of the Cloud Lifetime Effect in Marine Stratocumulus
Casey Burleyson, Sandra Yuter, Andrew Hall, Margaret Frey, David Mechem, Matthew Miller, Simon de Szoeke, and Matthew Wilbanks
National Academy of Sciences Colloquium on Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Climate System - June 2015, Irvine, CA
Spatial and Temporal Context for the Diurnal Cycle of Convection Near Manaus, Brazil
Casey Burleyson, Zhe Feng, Samson Hagos, and Jerome Fast
GoAmazon2014/5 Workshop - May 2015, Boston, MA
Quantifying Diurnal Cloud Radiative Effects in the Tropical Western Pacific
Casey Burleyson, Charles Long, and Jennifer Comstock
DOE 2015 ARM ASR User Facility - Principle Investigator Meeting - March 2015, Vienna, VA
Quantifying Cloud Radiative Effects in the Tropical Western Pacific
Casey Burleyson, Charles Long, and Jennifer Comstock
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2014, San Francisco, CA
A New Method to Evaluate Cloud Fraction within Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
Casey Burleyson, Sandra Yuter, and Matthew Miller
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2012, San Francisco, CA
Graduate Student Experiences in a Geoscience Teaching and Learning Research Seminar
Casey Burleyson, Casey Letkewicz, and David McConnell
4th National CIRTL Forum - October 2011, Madison, WI
Observations of the Diurnal Cycle of Marine Stratocumulus During the VOCALS Regional Experiment
Casey Burleyson, Sandra Yuter, and Simon de Szoeke
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2010, San Francisco, CA