Forward Looking Extreme Weather Datasets [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Cameron Bracken, Kostas Oikonomou, and Nathalie Voisin
ESIG Spring Technical Workshop - March 2024, Tucson, AZ

Integration of Climate Forecasts in Bulk Power System Studies [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Cameron Bracken, and Nathalie Voisin
WECC Reliability Assessment Committee Meeting - October 2023, Virtual

Impacts of Decarbonization, Policy, and Climate Uncertainty on Load Forecasts [PDF]
Casey Burleyson and Nathalie Voisin
PNUCC 2023 Load Forecasting Workshop - October 2023, Portland, OR

Characterizing the Impact of Heat Waves on the Electric Grid [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Cameron Bracken, Kendall Mongird, Jennie Rice, and Nathalie Voisin
EPRI Exploring the Impacts of Extreme Heat and Wildfire on the Power System Workshop - September 2023, Seattle, WA

Opening Up: How Open-Science Concepts Can Help You Get Work Done and Make Friends Too [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Zoe Guillen, Carina Lansing, Dave Millard, Mathew Thomas, and Jon Weers
MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change - October 2020, Virtual

Using Common Tools to Build Communities of Practice From the Ground Up [PDF]
Casey Burleyson and Chris Vernon
DOE MultiSector Dynamics Community of Practice - November 2019, Virtual

Applications of GCAM-USA in the Integrated Multi-sector Multi-scale Modeling (IM3) Project [PDF]
Casey Burleyson and Coauthors
GCAM Community Modeling Meeting - November 2019, College Park, MD

Advancing a Community of Practice With a New Multisector Dynamics Data Platform [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Ian Kraucunas, Dave Millard, Chris Vernon, and Jon Weers
DOE EESM PI Meeting - November 2018, Potomac, MD

Trees vs. Forests Views of Building Energy Demand Projections [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Gokul Iyer, Mohamad Hejazi, Sonny Kim, Ian Kraucunas, Page Kyle, Todd Taylor, Nathalie Voisin, and Yulong Xie
GCAM Community Modeling Meeting - October 2018, College Park, MD

Bridge Building at 70 mph: Data Management in an Active DOE Office of Science Project [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Ian Kraucunas, Dave Millard, Chris Vernon, and Jon Weers
USDA Database Integration Workshop: Building the Data Capacity for Food-Energy-Water Research - September 2018, Raleigh, NC.

Environmental Controls on Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Fraction [PDF]
Casey Burleyson and Sandra Yuter
University of Washington - February 2014, Seattle, WA

Two Views of Climatologically Important Precipitation [PDF]
Casey Burleyson and Sandra Yuter
Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites - June 2011, Asheville, NC

Impacts of Heat Waves and Cold Snaps on Load, Wind, and Solar Profiles [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Travis Douville, Cameron Bracken, and Nathalie Voisin
Presentation to WECC, WPP, and BPAT - August 2023, Virtual

FY23 Updates to the MSD-LIVE Data and Computational Platform [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Carina Lansing, Zoe Guillen, Matt Macduff, Devin McAllester, and Jon Weers
GCAM Community Modelling Meeting - June 2023, Virtual

Characterizing Heat Waves and Cold Snaps in the WECC [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Cameron Bracken, and Nathalie Voisin
WECC 10-Year Extreme Heat Working Group - January 2023, Virtual

The MSD-LIVE Data and Computational Platform [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Carina Lansing, Zoe Guillen, Matt Macduff, Devin McAllester, Elvis Offer, and Jon Weers
GCAM Community Modeling Meeting - June 2022, Virtual

Ten Recommendations to Overcome Barriers to Adopting Open Science Principles [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Chris Vernon, and Jennie Rice
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2021, Virtual

How and Why to Make Your Work Reproducible and Extensible [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
Joint Workshop on Coastal Integrated Hydro-Terrestrial Modeling (C-IHTM) - November 2020, Virtual

Comparing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Modeling Approaches to Simulate the Impacts of Climate and Population on Building Electricity Demand [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Gokul Iyer, Mohamad Hejazi, Sonny Kim, Page Kyle, Jennie Rice, Todd Taylor, Nathalie Voisin, and Yulong Xie
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2019, San Francisco, CA

Facilitating Collaboration Across the MultiSector Dynamics Community [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Ian Kraucunas, Carina Lansing, and Dave Millard
Snowmass Energy Modeling Forum - July 2019, Snowmass, CO

Novel Methods to Explore Building Energy Sensitivity to Climate and Heat Waves Using PNNL's BEND Model [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Nathalie Voisin, Todd Taylor, Yulong Xie, and Ian Kraucunas
AGU Fall Meeting - December 2017, New Orleans, LA

Spatial and Temporal Context for the Diurnal Cycle of Deep Convection near Manaus, Brazil [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Zhe Feng, Samson Hagos, and Jerome Fast
7th Annual PNNL Postdoctoral Research Symposium - August 2015, Richland, WA

Spatial Context for the Diurnal Cycle of Convection Near Manaus, Brazil [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Zhe Feng, and Samson Hagos
DOE 2015 ARM ASR User Facility - Principle Investigator Meeting - March 2015, Vienna, VA

Quantifying Cloud Radiative Effects in the Tropical Western Pacific [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Charles Long, and Jennifer Comstock
6th Annual PNNL Postdoctoral Research Symposium - July 2014, Richland, WA
* Winner of the "Best Talk" Award

Atmospheric Observations Working Group Report [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Lynn Rose, and Sandra Yuter
Lake Victoria Basin Commission Stakeholders Workshop - July 2011, Kisumu, Kenya

Observations of the Diurnal Cycle of Marine Stratocumulus Clouds and Precipitation [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Sandra Yuter, and Simon de Szoeke
VOCALS 3rd Science Team Meeting - March 2011, Miami, FL

15-August 2020 [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
PNNL ACES Division Seminar Series - April 2024, Richland, WA

Giving Bad Talks is a Choice and You Need to Stop [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
PNNL ACES "Science Social" Seminar Series - February 2024, Richland, WA

What Does the Battle of Midway Have to Do With Your Conference Talk? [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
PNNL Publishing and Storytelling Symposium - November 2023, Richland, WA

Opening Up: Our Experience Building Community Support for Open Science [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
PNNL Data Community Webinar - January 2023, Virtual

Beyond Box Checking: Best Practices for Managing Your Data and Code [PDF]
Casey Burleyson and Chris Vernon
ICoM and COMPASS-GLM Project Teams Meeting - May 2022, Virtual

Paw Patrol is on a Roll! [PDF]
Casey Burleyson and Grant Burleyson
PNNL ASGC "Science Social" Seminar Series - April 2022, Richland, WA

What Does the Battle of Midway Have to Do With Your AGU Talk? [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
PNNL ASGC Young Scientist Paper Discussion (YSPD) Group Seminar Series - July 2021, Richland, WA

What is MSD-LIVE? [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Zoe Guillen, Carina Lansing, Mathew Thomas, and Jon Weers
PNNL ASGC "Science Social" Seminar Series - April 2021, Richland, WA

The One Where Two Models Actually Agree on Something: Simulations of Building Electricity Consumption Under Climate and Population Change [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Gokul Iyer, Mohamad Hejazi, Sonny Kim, Page Kyle, Jennie Rice, Amanda Smith, Todd Taylor, Nathalie Voisin, and Yulong Xie
PNNL ASGC Division Seminar Series - August 2020, Richland, WA

From 2C to 2 GW: Connecting Basic Science to Integrated Assessment in Four Easy Steps [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Todd Taylor, Yulong Xie, Nathalie Voisin, and Ian Kraucunas
PNNL's Joint Global Change Research Institute - May 2018, College Park, MD

Is a Terawatt a Lot? and Other Interesting Questions in Building Energy Research [PDF]
Casey Burleyson, Nathalie Voisin, Todd Taylor, Yulong Xie, and Ian Kraucunas
PNNL ASGC Division Seminar Series - October 2017, Richland, WA

Transitioning from Protege to Professional [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
PNNL ASGC ASD Group Professional Development Seminar Series - September 2017, Richland, WA

A Flash Talk about Flash Talks [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
PNNL ASGC "Science Social" Seminar Series - February 2017, Richland, WA

Two Fairly Independent Investigations of Tropical Clouds and Precipitation [PDF]
Casey Burleyson and Coauthors
PNNL ASGC Division Seminar Series - September 2015, Richland, WA

The 10 Commandments for Giving a Bad Talk [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
PNNL ASGC ASD Group Professional Development Seminar Series - September 2015, Richland, WA
PNNL ASGC "Science Social" Seminar Series - October 2016, Richland, WA
PNNL AGU Presenters Bootcamp - November 2018, Richland, WA

Why I Came to the Desert to Study Clouds [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
PNNL's "Flash Talk 101" Seminar Series - April 2015, Richland, WA

Atmospheric Observations in Eastern Africa or: How I Set My Doctors Record for Most Vaccinations Given in a Single Day [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
PNNL ASGC "Science Social" Seminar Series - July 2014, Richland, WA

Separating Cloud and Ocean Pixels in Satellite IR Brightness Temperature Images [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
NC State Image Processing Workshop - January 2013, Raleigh, NC

Field Experiment Experience: Travels of an Atmospheric Science Graduate Student [PDF]
Casey Burleyson
Central NC Chapter of the American Meteorological Society - October 2012, Raleigh, NC